Food In Rimworld: How To Provide For Your Colonists


RimWorld is a complex and highly engaging colony simulation game that challenges players to manage the survival of a group of colonists on a distant planet. One of the most critical aspects of colony management in RimWorld is ensuring a steady and reliable supply of food. Without food, your colonists will starve, their morale will drop, and the overall stability of your colony will be compromised. This guide provides an in-depth look at various methods to procure food for your colonists, from farming to hunting and beyond.

1. Farming: The Backbone of Food Production

Farming is a fundamental and reliable way to produce food in RimWorld. Here’s how you can get started with farming:

a. Selecting Crops

Different crops offer various benefits and growth times. Here are some popular options:

  • Rice: Quick to grow and harvest, ideal for a fast food supply.
  • Potatoes: Less sensitive to soil quality, good for poor growing areas.
  • Corn: Takes longer to grow but yields a high amount of food.
  • Strawberries: Can be eaten raw without a mood penalty, useful in emergencies.
  • Heelroot: Not a food crop, but essential for medicine, ensuring your colonists stay healthy.

b. Setting Up Growing Zones

  1. Select a fertile area: Soil fertility affects crop yield. Rich soil is the best, followed by regular soil.
  2. Designate growing zones: Use the “Zone/Area” tool to mark areas for growing crops.
  3. Assign growers: Ensure colonists with high growing skills are prioritized for planting and harvesting.

c. Managing Planting and Harvesting

  1. Timely planting: Start planting early in the growing season to maximize crop yields.
  2. Regular harvesting: Monitor your crops and harvest them as soon as they are ready to ensure a constant food supply.
  3. Crop rotation: Alternate different crops to ensure soil fertility and prevent depletion of resources.

2. Hunting: Tapping Into Natural Resources

Hunting provides a valuable source of meat and leather. Follow these steps for effective hunting:

a. Identifying Game

  1. Check for wildlife: Use the “Wildlife” tab to see available animals in your region.
  2. Choose appropriate targets: Go for larger animals like deer, muffalo, and elk for more meat. Avoid dangerous predators unless you have well-armed colonists.

b. Assigning Hunters

  1. Equip weapons: Ensure your hunters are equipped with appropriate ranged or melee weapons.
  2. Select skilled hunters: Assign colonists with high shooting or melee skills to hunting tasks for efficiency and safety.

c. Managing Risks

  1. Watch for predators: Predators like wargs and bears can attack colonists. Monitor their proximity to your hunting area.
  2. Prevent injuries: Be mindful of friendly fire and ensure hunters do not stray too far from the colony.

3. Fishing: An Underutilized Resource

With the Royalty and Ideology expansions, fishing becomes an option:

  1. Locate water sources: Designate fishing zones in bodies of water.
  2. Assign fishing tasks: Use the work tab to assign colonists to fishing.
  3. Manage fish stocks: Regularly check fishing zones to ensure they are not depleted.

4. Foraging: Utilizing Wild Plants

Foraging is a quick way to gather food in the early game or during emergencies:

  1. Identify edible plants: Look for berries and agave in temperate and arid regions.
  2. Harvest manually: Designate foraging areas and assign colonists to gather plants.

5. Trading: An Economic Approach

Trading with visitors and passing caravans can be a lifesaver, especially during food shortages:

  1. Stockpile trade goods: Collect items like textiles, weapons, and art to trade.
  2. Negotiate with traders: Use the “Trade” option to exchange goods for food.

6. Animal Husbandry: Sustained Food Production

Raising animals provides a renewable source of meat, milk, and wool:

  1. Tame and breed livestock: Focus on animals like cows, chickens, and pigs.
  2. Manage pastures: Ensure animals have enough grazing land or provide them with feed.

7. Food Preservation: Ensuring Longevity

Storing food properly is crucial to prevent spoilage:

  1. Build freezers: Use air conditioners to create cold storage areas for perishable food.
  2. Produce pemmican and packaged survival meals: These items have a long shelf life and are ideal for storage and travel.

8. Dealing With Food Crises

Sometimes, food shortages are inevitable. Here’s how to handle them:

  1. Rationing: Restrict food consumption to essential meals.
  2. Cannibalism: In dire situations, you might have to resort to drastic measures like cannibalism, though this severely impacts colonist mood.


Maintaining a stable food supply in RimWorld requires careful planning, resource management, and adaptability. By mastering farming, hunting, foraging, and trading, you can ensure that your colonists remain well-fed and your colony thrives. Each method comes with its own set of challenges and benefits, and a balanced approach will help you overcome the many hurdles of life on the RimWorld frontier.



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